• Dead_or_Alive@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I think it is a ploy by Russia and China to get the US to hurt itself.

      Mexico is key to our economic future. The manufacturing which the US is trying to onshore needs many different inputs some from lower cost labor sources. Mexico provides some of the middleish parts of the process (yes Mexican labor is more skilled than other inputs from South Asia). While the US labor pool provides the upper end. Cars, appliances, low end electronics etc. are where Mexico comes in. The US just doesn’t have the labor pool to do all of this at a decent price point.

      While central and southern Mexico may not be big fans of the US. People in the North are fairly pro USA as they see a lot of economic integration. Dropping bombs on them even when we are going after the cartels is not going to keep them on our side and we will see the anti US sentiment take over the country.

      It’s basically one of the few extremely dumb things we could do to royally fuck up our economy.

  • tal@lemmy.today
    2 months ago

    Mexican drug cartels are responsible for manufacturing and smuggling much of the fentanyl that enters the United States and causes most drug overdose deaths, killing about 150 people a day.

    Vance’s repeated calls for aggressive military force, including bombing campaigns targeting…drug cartels in Mexico.

    I know that the addicts in question are American, and that the manufacturers aren’t, and that assigning responsibility for domestic problems to voters probably isn’t much of a vote-winner, but I feel that maybe, just maybe, at a certain point, you gotta attach a certain amount of responsibility for drug use to the addicts rather than the foreign manufacturers.

    I don’t think that we’re ever going to have a world where addictive, recreational drugs are simply nonexistent. I think that that’s probably a lot more of a dead end in terms of drug policy than people choosing not to use.

    We’ve got a pretty potent military. But I don’t think that this is really a problem for which military solutions are all that useful.

    • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Mexican drug cartels are responsible for manufacturing and smuggling much of the fentanyl that enters the United States and causes most drug overdose deaths, killing about 150 people a day.

      But we’re just going to ignore the broken healthcare system that CAUSED all those addictions in the 90s, right? Yeah, sure, lets get people hooked on pain killers, and then cut them off cold turkey. They’ll just stop being addicted, right? Right???

      • Saik0@lemmy.saik0.com
        2 months ago

        Continuing the flood of them over the border hurts upcoming generations too… There’s no winning this without hurting someone. You either control the flow and risk upcoming generations who are also getting hooked on this shit. Or you cold turkey and hurt the generation that created the problem to begin with?

        I don’t think there’s a real win here.