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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • The CCP strategically cornered the market in more than a few critical areas for EV production. Individual Western firms are not able to compete with a well funded and coordinated effort by a state actor to control every stage of the production process.

    On top of that the real estate crisis China has caused local consumption to crater. The means that China is looking to the West for markets to dump their over capacity.

    No country is going to sit idly by while their industrial base is directly threatened especially in a critical area such as green tech. Especially by an openly hostile power such as China.

  • I think it is a ploy by Russia and China to get the US to hurt itself.

    Mexico is key to our economic future. The manufacturing which the US is trying to onshore needs many different inputs some from lower cost labor sources. Mexico provides some of the middleish parts of the process (yes Mexican labor is more skilled than other inputs from South Asia). While the US labor pool provides the upper end. Cars, appliances, low end electronics etc. are where Mexico comes in. The US just doesn’t have the labor pool to do all of this at a decent price point.

    While central and southern Mexico may not be big fans of the US. People in the North are fairly pro USA as they see a lot of economic integration. Dropping bombs on them even when we are going after the cartels is not going to keep them on our side and we will see the anti US sentiment take over the country.

    It’s basically one of the few extremely dumb things we could do to royally fuck up our economy.