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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I was complaining about smoking in public places. Precisely because of health reasons smoking in and around public spaces was limited a few years ago. I’m rather sensitive (asthma & more) and I much more often smell weed than tobacco in these types of areas. At the central station almost always. One of the many reasons I’m glad to be able to avoid public transit nowadays. Besides how the smoke of tobacco and weed affects me, I also find the smell nauseating.

    Besides, to me it seems pike almost every category of drug users have an excuse for why theirs is “less bad”. Most often with alcohol it’s “well it’s only an issue of people drink too much”. Fact is that almost all drug usage affects peoples behaviour and becomes a nuisance in public spaces.

  • No thank you, and I’d really like it if people stopped smoking it in public places. Many marijuana users seem to have very little regard for other people. Absolutely reeks of it at many central stations, on the subway, commuter trains and busses. Quite literally makes me sick. At least most tobacco users have the decency to not ruin enclosed public spaces for the general populace.

  • This

    Thankfully, I don’t live in a fucked up country where the legal apparatus can chase me down for other people misinterpreting my words.

    has to do with this

    If proof is important for internet debates, where’s your proof that she wasn’t anywhere near the start of this batch of far right violence? That’s a bold unsubstantiated claim that contradicts the police. Where’s your proof that the police falsely claimed that they traced online calls for violence following the child murders back to her? That’s an even bolder unsubstantiated claim. You claim she’s a political scapegoat. Where’s your proof that there was political interference in her arrest? That’s another bold unsubstantiated claim.

    Again, you are misinterpreting my words and going to a lot of effort to fight strawmen.

    I have to ask is why the **** you’re supporting her and acting like her defence lawyer?

    Because: a) I find it highly doubtful that the intent to incite exists or can be proven and

    The crime here isn’t lying on the internet, it’s spreading misinformation in order to incite violence.

    b) I’m bothered by these sorts of laws existing in a country even remotely close to me. They’re wrong, offensive, dangerous and worthy of combating.

    Who decides what speech is dangerous? Given that woman was arrested, my b) statement above might easily be considered equally or more inciteful.

    These sorts of laws could be leveraged even when people are saying the truth, but instead by a truly malicious operator. Let’s paint an obviously fictive scenario.

    The new “Britain First” movement has gained a lot of popularity within the UK police force and military, and is set to get several seats in the new election. An insider in the London force blows the whistle!

    “The Britain First party intends to overturn the election under the guise of voting fraud if they lose. They have to be stopped!” (Link to treasure trove of evidence)

    Later that day, the posters door is broken down, along with several other people who had reposted the statement online. They are arrested for “incitement to violence” and forced to take down their dangerous speech to prevent violent uprisings against the legitimate authority of the police.

    It’s important to remember that the very same powers given to institutions to protect us can be used against us if hijacked by malicious actors. Liberal democracy is a fragile thing.

  • I’m not sure that you’re entirely clear on what incitement is.

    Enough to be certain that proving intent to incite is supposed to be central to the conviction.

    You keep demanding proof of me and never providing anything at all

    I’m claiming that there is a lack of evidence for the polices suspicion and that it will be difficult to obtain. Your inability to point to even the slightest external evidence that the post was made maliciously is enough to say that any other explanation is just as likely and validates my claim.

    Maybe you’ve heard of Hanlon’s razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

    It’s also funny how you’ve set up a bunch of strawmen claims that I never made to fight. Thankfully, I don’t live in a fucked up country where the legal apparatus can chase me down for other people misinterpreting my words.

    Oh, and btw, do you think the UK police don’t also want a scapegoat after fucking up containing riots and having kids get killed on their watch?

    Just exercising my freedom of expression to share my speculations on the matter ;)

  • You’ve addressed a total of zero points I raised.

    I addressed a total of one.

    …and how exactly is the intent going to be proven?

    The original question that you still haven’t adressed, probably because you can’t. Thing is, the rest of your arguments are moot if there is no intent. You assume she is malicious, but she very well mightn’t have been, and even if she was it’ll be difficult to prove.

    “All hell will break loose” really isn’t an incitement to violence. It might mean political scandal, flame wars on social media, protests etc., none of which are riots.

    If anything, what I see is politicians wanting somebody to blame for their own mistakes, a convenient scapegoat, one person who they can pin the blame on instead of taking responsibility.

    She wasn’t anywhere near the “start” of this, merely one (potentially innocent) link in a chain of events starting years prior with gross political mismanagement.

  • Ringleaders? Again you claim there is intent, where is the proof of this? Also, where is she inciting violence?

    Compare this to Aaronovitch tweeting (allegedly as a joke) that Biden should have Trump murdered a few days before the assassination attempt. Did he get arrested?

    If one online post of (potentially innocent) misinformation is enough to rile up riots on the streets of your country, clearly your society is pretty severely fucked up and needs a reality check.

    Needing to lock up random civilians because they said something inconvenient is not exactly a sign of strength or morality, at least in my book.