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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2024


  • You’re just showing you don’t understand basic concepts. You called China’s liberation of Tibet “colonialism”, proving you don’t know the meaning of it. Expansionism isn’t “when borders grow at any time in history”, it’s a tendency of a nation to view its territorial expansion as a desirable goal for the sake of it or for access to resource for example. Austria building an embassy in Tibet would grow Austria’s borders, technically counting as expansionism according to you. You have lib level of politics knowledge and analysis, and it’s hysterical how you try to bend definitions to make things look good for US imperialism

  • (Believe it or not, arguing that they like being conquered and colonized doesn’t mean they weren’t conquered and colonized.)

    “The right of self-determination is only relevant when it’s bad for China :(”

    Tibet was a literal feudal state with absolutist power, where Tibetans worked the land as serfs for their feudal lords as they were legally tied to it. The liberation army liberated the Tibetans from their feudal yoke in a non-colonial way (we can get into the details if you want to).

    None of those places were conquered within living memory, the thing you said China doesn’t do.

    Ok, hopefully we’ll stop hearing the imperialists cry about how much better Tibet was under feudalism in 20 years, when it’s no longer living memory.