• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • Yeah, they’re all the same. Musk, Trump, crypto, religion, AI - they all offer a simple, easy solution to all problems. It’s false hope, but it’s reassuring and we’re all susceptible to it given the chaos of existence.

    Reality is complicated, politics is complicated, running countries is complicated, and no one has all the answers. We have to work on those together. No one person is going to solve all the problems we have, and these cunts absolutely don’t give a fuck about you or me or the ‘working man’.

    It works because it’s such an easy sell and it’s easy to fall for it. I have before too. But being good at battering people and choking them out does not by default translate into being able to run a country (maybe thousands of years ago hah).

    Thats the other aspect to these things. We tend to mistakenly assume that because a person is good at one thing, they’re automatically going to be good at everything. People like Musk and McGregor are also very good at selling this, because they’re generally talking to people who also have a limited understanding of the topic.

    I honestly think if we taught local civics and critical thinking on a global scale you’d massively reduce this kind of problem, but who knows.

  • Yep I definitely agree with your last point. And likewise, appreciate that we could have a discussion about this sensibly. Not sure a finite currency would solve these issues as they are human issues. My take would be addressing the human aspect of these problems through education, which is to be fair pretty unlikely to happen.

    As you say though conversation is the way forward, whether we’re taking about crypto or anything else. Cheers :)

  • You know bank transfers are almost instant across most of Europe right?

    That’s a US specific problem. Solutions already exist.

    Yes, there are serious problems with the current system. I hear you, and I agree.

    Fiat isn’t the problem. These are problems with human behaviour, lack of oversight, and a system that incentivises bad practice.

    Crypto does nothing to fix any of them, and in most cases simply makes them worse. It’s not a solution, it’s just touted as one by the crypto rich to bring in new money.

    Just look at the rhetoric vs reality. It’s not ok for governments to just print money on demand, but it is ok for Tether to print Tether on demand which they then use to buy shitloads of BTC to pump and dump the market?

    It’s the same shit, just even worse.

    We’re all being fucked over by the same ultra rich, and technology is not the answer to that.

    Voting in and supporting people who want to start taxing these fuckers and holding them to account is a step in the right direction.