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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Please understand that I am making an extreme effort to be charitable and polite when I say that trying to spin this tiny quota as being somehow for the benefit of the Tuvaluans themselves is… less than persuasive.

    Frankly, we’re already at 1 degree C warming today and Tuvalu is 100% doomed. Forcing many of them to wait until the bitter end – paternalistically imposing that decision on them rather than allowing them to decide what’s best for themselves – is hardly doing them any sort of favor!

    But hey, maybe I’m wrong: maybe the Tuvaluan leaders themselves asked for this quota, not the Australians. I don’t believe that for a fucking microsecond, but if you can cite something that supports the notion then I’ll reconsider how I’ve judged you for posting the… comment… you just wrote.

  • First of all:

    The Falepili Union, an agreement letting Tuvaluans escape the impacts of climate change and move to Australia, came into effect last month.

    The program is expected to start in nine months and will allow up to 280 people to migrate each year through a random ballot.

    Really? The entire population Tuvalu is like 11,000 people. Even if they all showed up at once, Australia’s (population ~27 million) demographics wouldn’t even fucking notice. Hell, they could all move to the same neighborhood in a city like Sydney or Melbourne and even people in the rest of the city would barely notice! What the fuck even is the point of bothering with limited quotas?!


    “It’s a sad situation because we Tuvaluans contribute less to the cause of climate change but we are the ones suffering,” she says.

    It is singularly infuriating that even while Tuvaluans take responsibility for their “contribution” to climate change – even though with <$6000 GDP per capita and a whopping 5 miles of paved roads it’s honestly fucking negligible – most Americans and other rich westerners still won’t make any acknowledgement at all of their own. This is Oliver Twist “please sir I want some more” levels of wretched groveling, and our reaction to it is goddamned appalling!

  • In other words, the Pacific is so wide that cyclones typically curl North before making it all the way across, so it’s unlikely that the same storm would affect both North America/Hawaii and East Asia. Therefore, it’s not necessary to force anybody to give up the name they previously picked.

    (The word “hurricane” came from the Arawak people in the Caribbean, while the etymology of “typhoon” is less clear but may have come from China or India. Also, for completeness: “cyclone” is of Greek origin and is used for southern hemisphere storms because the British picked it in the 1800s.)

  • There’s a thing called Grice’s Maxims that describe the rules of conversations – specifically, about how things can be implied without being said, yet still be very real and expected to be understood by both parties to the conversation.

    I told you to read the definition because it already told you the answer.

    By asking the question after having read the definition – and in fact, reiterating that I wanted an answer after having confirmed to you that I had read the definition – it was 100% crystal clear to you that claiming the definition answered the question was not adequate. Yet you still claimed it. In other words, you were violating – not flouting, violating – the maxims.

    You have been continuing to violate those maxims throughout this discussion. Why are you being deliberately uncivil?