I can only conjecture it must have cost a mint.
Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.
I can only conjecture it must have cost a mint.
Crikey. I have to wonder what that ~2TB unit must have cost in 2016.
Interesting that the one has such large capacitors in it. I imagine that is as last-ditch effort to keep the board powered long enough to finish flushing all of its caches in the event of a power failure.
I maintain that the best joke in the first Toy Story was Mr. Potato Head thumbing at Woody and going, “laser envy…”
The police love drug criminalization because it gives them widespread latitude to hassle pretty much anybody they feel like whenever they feel like, because “drugs could be involved.” Marijuana especially, since stoners are generally fairly nonthreatening folks but “I smelled marijuana” is a zero-effort way to instantly manufacture a fictitious probable cause for anything.
And not to be confused with Boku.
In this case the Falun Gong, the cult behind the Shen Yun performances, is not being persecuted by China because “China Evil.” In this singular and specific shining example, it’s because they are completely whackadoo.
undermining regional carmakers
I think the word they’re looking for is in fact “outcompeting.”
Yutaro-Katori-with-butterfly-meme: Is this capitalism?
I’ve just remembered. We’re all Shakers.