Sarcastic bitch with a wine problem

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2024


  • I think it’s interesting is that so many autocracies keep up the pretense of democratic and rules-based governance; even North Korea has elections. Same with political trials like you see in so many authoritarian regimes, from modern Russia or China to Nazi Germany – it’s like autocrats need to be able to pretend to themselves that the system they run is fair and just, and that they’re not just tyrants who govern with impunity and enforce rules arbitrarily.

    What I don’t get is why? Why bother when it’s immediately obvious to everyone that it’s all a sham? Why not drop the pretense, which everybody knows is just a pretense?

  • Many Lemmy instances do just fine without them though, and unpopular extremist views are still unpopular. Frankly that sounds more like a case for moderation than downvotes.

    One of the main problems I have with downvotes on Lemmy is that when people browse All, niche communities tend to attract a lot of drive-by downvotes (which is why many instances that host them opted to disable downvotes) that tend to drown out votes by people who are actually in those communities and push the content lower when using a sort that takes votes into account.

    Yes there’s all sorts of lofty ideas about how downvotes should be used, and eg people are not “supposed” to downvote things just because they disagree (and no I’m not talking nazism here). Never goes that way in real life.

  • I don’t think we as a species have it in us to not be pieces of shit. Individuals absolutely do, but I’m not very conviced we’ll manage to unfuck our plains ape selves before things go really sideways due to climate change and resource scarcity, and we revert back to a more “natural” state

    no knowledge of the face of the earth, no account of time, no arts, no letters, no society, and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death, and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

    (yes that’s Hobbes. No I’m not sorry.)

  • If you’re 100% white you probably won’t notice.

    100% white, cis, and straight.

    There’s this transmasc / enby / bigender “influencer” (Eddie Engels) who’s planning on moving to the UK (and not exactly to what anybody would call a liberal-minded area either iirc) to be close to his currently long-distance boyfriend, and I feel sorry for the guy. He’s just such a quintessentially queer character that it’s likely he’s actually not going to be safe there, and I really don’t know if he’s thought this thing through too well…

    the things we do for love 🤷

    Edit: I had to check because somebody asked, but it was actually Bristol he’s moving to, which should be completely fine. Vague memory was vague, heh