China #1
Best friends with the mods at c/

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Ok, I’ll play the devil’s advocate.

    He wasn’t there for his family, or in any sort of journalistic capacity. He was there to protest.

    Sure. Fine. Protest. I support your right to do so, and in this case I support your cause. However, the US government cannot chase down every rogue citizen that jumps into active conflict because of their bleeding heart. If this had been someone on vacation before the violence started then it would be different. This man was there to stir up shit. That’s the risk he took. No one in any government position told him as he was leaving, “don’t worry, we got your back.” He walked into an active conflict and he got shot. He’s lucky that’s all that happened. Fuck around. Find out. Sure, sometimes the circumstances call for fucking around. That doesn’t mean you don’t get the other part.

  • Great! There is a distinction.

    I. Don’t. Care.

    Ban the pedos.

    I don’t get why this is an argument. Why are we even discussing this? I feel like it should be a given. Question 1 on your Olympic Entry Exam: Have you, as an adult, had sex with someone who did not or could not consent?

    You can put every other question about doping and ethics after that one, because if they get hung up on Question 1, they shouldn’t be allowed to represent their country on a national stage. There are others that can answer that question in the negative that can take up the spot for their country.

    It doesn’t matter what distinctions there are between doping and fucking kids, we need to, as a species, stop putting pedophiles on pedestals. Don’t buy their albums, don’t watch their movies, and don’t give them medals in the Olympics. They can work the fryer at McDonalds to support their wasted existence.