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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023


  • Ah hell, you make one deeply drunken joke and suddenly you’re at -25…

    FWIW, the US does have a whole host of laws and various treaty clauses that dictate US citzens cant be held to account by a foreign power without either US government consent or consent of the party. Our extradition and criminal parity treaties mean that, in criminal cases, we might let a citizen be tried outside of the US, but calling a US citizen is really really difficult to pull off. Thats what I was referring to when I said “we fought a war”. The UK government cannot compel him to testify, by hundred-year-old-treaty, without US consent.

    But calling a US citizen to testify in front of a foreign legislative power is 100%, by both treaty and hegemony, entirely consensual on the part of the called party. Musk can just say no, and there’s nothing that can be done without getting the buy-off from the state dpt, which… we’re an oligopoly, we’re not going to hand over a billionare.

    HOWEVER the UK is entirely able to hold his business interests and investments ransom, which would be highly effective. If parliment is serious about this they’ll do that, but since I have no more faith in the UK government than my own (okay a little more, the US is in a bad place, the tories would honestly be a step up in most states) I absolutely do not expect them to go after musk in a way that even slightly might work. Which I would love to be proven wrong about, please, some government hold this asshole to account.

  • is that no one gets outraged, justifys harassing people and wished death upon their entire family and country for eating pigs.

    You uh… wanna bet about that one?

    Values a culture finds truly abhorrent are combated. You’re using the same arguments people use to defend confederate monuments, or anti-LGBT laws. It’s tragic that your traditions cause harm, but just because they’re traditional and your culture doesn’t mean they’re not disgustingly cruel.

    Yeah, we need to either stop or wildly reform factory farming. No argument there. But just because you think it’s cultural imperialism doesn’t make it reasonable to torture other creatures to death.

    The big difference here is that, while I will absolutely admit to and work damn hard to change my own culture, you can’t even admit the cruelty inherent to your own traditions. My tribe used to hunt whales. We saw the barbarity of it. We stopped. Why are you special?