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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2024

  • No. American and allied troops fought in the Vietnam conflict. Our strategy evolved in the Cold War and proxy wars. A proxy war is fought only with fiscal, humanitarian, and arms support.

    For example, we destroyed Afghanistan in the 80’s by supporting the mujahideen fighting against the Soviet Union: a proxy war. Unable to communicate what’s been done, they resorted to extreme violence in September, 2001. So, we fucked 'em all the war back to 17th century religious persecution.

    I’m a born American. I love so much about this country at the roots of the land and people I meet in it. But, it’s totally fucking rotten at the top and we refuse to admit it. If we did then we’d have to do something about it. Then, it quickly becomes obvious that voting isn’t going to do jack shit. That’s scary as fuck.

  • Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

    When a revolutionary speaks truth and justice to sheep they hate them for it. The sheep want the convenient, short term comfort of bandwagon safety. They’ll readily sacrifice their shallow moral and ethical principles to defend this feeling. They’ll viscously attack all who disturb it.

    Some of us commit our lives to the fight for future lives of dignity. Some communicate with words, some with actions, and many with both. But, words are increasingly meaningless: Our semantic appropriated, reading comprehension taking a nose dive, attention spans less than a minute, human communication itself corrupted in capitalization of technology.

    Aaron Bushnell killed himself to communicate with you. It’s not horrific. It’s what’s necessary.

    And then I realized they were stronger than we. Because they could stand that these were not monsters. These were men … trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love … but they had the strength … the strength … to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men, then our troubles here would be over very quickly.

  • If I’m understanding correctly the argument against her competing hinges upon a genetic test that the article provides no information for.

    The evidence that she’s a woman seems overwhelming. But the article doesn’t provide the necessary information for an reader to understand and defeat the objection. We’re not to reason for ourselves. Instead, we’re to rely on ad hominem: The objection itself doesn’t matter because it came from Russia. The article also ignores fallacy fallacy: There’s also a very small possibility that Russia has reached the “good” conclusion for entirely “bad” reasons.

    I know three things:

    1. She’s almost certainly a biological woman.
    2. She won.
    3. The author thinks you’re stupid.

  • We could find a stupid or good reason to discard each and every individual. Humans are deeply flawed. I need not conveniently bash this talented man to feel good about myself. I chose the more difficult and quite unpopular position of forgiveness.

    You’re seemingly the only person who understood. You’re true to your username. I liked how you didn’t assign him responsibility for the perceived failure of the justice system. I think it was the critical thing that needed said when saying that he did more than what was mandated. Thank you for speaking up.

    Reason wins because propaganda has a much shorter half life.

  • 1st gen US of a north-south love marriage.

    Remember why immigrants come to the US: The same hustle yields greater success due to lessened competition for greater resources. It’s worse wherever they came from.

    Remember that good and bad family is somewhat universal across cultures. People care for their elderly because they continue to contribute to the family unit in facets such as meals, cleaning, childcare, wisdom. People cohabitate because there’s competitive strength in a larger family unit.

    Relative the US, India has roughly three times the population and one third the geographic area. They want to care for their good parents and offer the bad ones a humane somethhing, just as everyone does. Capitalism crushes them as it does us. They just have less. They can’t afford to house and feed their parents.

  • A year for multiple rapes if a 12 year old is barely a sentence, no matter what justice system you’re in.

    I agree. He voluntarily did more, though.

    And he’s clearly not even sorry.

    When? Before he voluntarily did more, or afterwards?

    Rape isn’t alcoholism. For some it’s maybe like heroin. But, I’ve not had a drink in more than a decade and know a heroin addict with more time under his belt. People can change.

    After he screwed up someone’s life then did more than his sentence, he seems OK to everyone he’s engaging with now. So, I wonder if I’d forgive him if I met him IRL. It’s easier to judge him without nuance hypothetically, when there’s no consequences for doing so. If I met him I’d hopefully be strong enough give him a chance.

  • That squid guy is quite ridiculous. He regularly throws reason out the window to feed his ego by bashing whomever he can pass shallow judgement upon.

    “Not to excuse it in any way but this took place, I think, 10 years ago and I think, as a general rule I think we need to allow for the possibility of rehabilitation,” Mark Adams said at the IOC’s news conference on the day of van de Velde’s debut.

    That’s where I think the mob goes wrong. Rape is a pretty big mistake. But, the best people I know today are that way in total rejection of who they once were. They’ve never brought it up. I confront them when I see myself in them.

    Van de Velde was given a four-year sentence in 2016.

    …at the time of his sentencing that he appeared via video link at Aylesbury Crown Court and wept as he heard his victim ended up self-harming and taking an overdose.

    After serving part of his jail term in England, he was sent back to the Netherlands where his sentence was adjusted according to Dutch laws.

    …after his release had sought professional counselling.

    His actions seem to demonstrate compliance and remorse.

    The Dutch volleyball federation (Nevobo) said van de Velde was “proving to be an exemplary professional and human being and there has been no reason to doubt him since his return”.

    Meanwhile, the country’s Olympic committee said van de Velde had met all the qualification requirements for the Olympic Games “and is therefore part of the team”.


    Those empowered to judge him have judged him forgiven.

    On what basis should we believe differently?