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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023

  • Sending NATO in fundamentally breaks the treaties upon which the organization was founded. NATO isn’t a joint military force to send to places for freedom and democracy, it’s a defensive organization. Without an explicit article 5 declaration from a current member state against a specific threat for a specific reason, a deployment of NATO would be undermining of the organization’s mission in itself, putting in question whether NATO is there to protect its members or just to be used as a cudgel for potential inconvenient threats because the alternative is a financial strain.

    Interventions like this, such as the 2011 intervention on Libya to enforce UN resolution 1973 will fuel arguments that NATO is altering its mission from defending its members to participate in US led (or in this case also French led) interventionism. Upon such a time where threats are no longer direct as is the case of the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, this will have implications on the future of the organization and questions will be made about its purpose, as it has happened before after the fall of the USSR. Ultimately NATO’s mandate must be upheld and strictly followed, for the sake of the treaty. At least that’s the opinion i share.

  • I just read an article that said both Kamala and Trump are keen on helping out. You know, with the indiscriminate murder of thousands of children.

    I gotta say this is really dragging US’s public image through sewage. People weren’t too keen on the US’s foreign policy after that Afghanistan withdrawal, but basically delivering a country and millions of dollars of military equipment to a terrorist group on a silver platter doesn’t even come close to literally helping out murdering children and paying for it.

    I sure hope the US government comes to their senses at some point in time, preferably soon and stops this for the literal sake of children. At this point what choice is even there for American people.

  • On top of that can you imagine the US actually punishing its heads of state for anything on behalf of an international organization?

    The US is literally funding and helping carry out the genocide and war crimes against an entire people with absolute impunity. Its two parties fully support it. Its corporations and universities fully collude with it and name and shame employees and students that don’t in public, so their livelihoods are affected.

    It seems all these international organizations can do is publish statements that the law is being broken. At least the history books have a legal, contemporary point of view, i guess. Peak performative justice.

    It’s not just the US. Most countries aren’t doing any meaningful change to counter climate change. It’s just net zero by 2300, ban straws here, make stupid soda caps that stick to the bottle, performative trash separation that gets dumped together, magic carbon offsetting and climate summits of empty promises that overall net more pollution due to heads of state and heads of corporations traveling somewhere rather than if it hadn’t happened at all. Just kicking the can down the road, while living through the hottest summers on record.

  • Yeah i didn’t necessarily mean our DNA, more like our internal fauna, in particular our gut fauna, which has tremendous implications over how our body functions, influencing our brains, metabolism and immune system.

    If bacteria are changing and our bodies are about a one to one ratio of human cell to bacteria cells according to recent studies, it follows that bacteria changing does not preclude us from changing as well, since not only are bacteria a part of us, we fundamentally depend on bacteria to be alive. We cannot ever be separated from the evolution of bacteria.

    So while our own DNA will not change significantly in such a timescale, that doesn’t mean our internal metabolism processes will not change somehow, i would wager. Not only us, but all the animals around us that we eat and live with as well. It’s interesting to think, for instance, of vitamins we don’t produce but still need and we take from bacteria living inside us. I wonder if similar bacteria would, for instance, evolve to decompose plastics in our bodies or such like.

  • Alright, thank you for explaining your opinion to me. You’re right, while i still maintain my position that i disagree with US policy in this regard, i do recognize that a lot of those countries’ actions also contributed to the current situation.

    And i also recognize that when criticism arises in Lemmy, in particular from certain Lemmy instances, there is a lot of propaganda and anti American sentiment, which i also find grating. Nevertheless I’d like to clarify that I’m not anti American and i do not think America is bad. I consider this statement reductionist of the entire combined work of 330 million people, as you said, and i would like to clarify that i meant that this specific course of action in this circumstance is bad, not the country, nor the people of the US.

    This criticism does not mean to disqualify the US of praise where praise is otherwise due, of course, although i would not agree that the outcomes of Israel relations were positive, but that is another matter altogether that i think would escape the purview of the criticism of CIA actions.

    I apologize for expressing myself in such a black and white way and I’ll try to be more mindful of reminding myself of expressing more nuance in future comments and be clearer of who and what specifically i am criticizing.

  • I’m not a communist. I don’t agree with communism. I’m European. We hate communism. I joined ML because people said it doesn’t matter what instance you join in the tutorials but mentioned one should avoid lemmy.world because it was oversaturated with reddit refugees and lemmy.ml was at the top. I never knew there was this much instance bigotry and tribalism on lemmy, but i am honestly apalled by this culture. That’s the only reason. My post history is public, go read if you see anything about communism, bot propaganda activity or whatever strawmen you’re building there because your arguments are insufficient.

    And yes, things in the middle east would have been considerably better without CIA interventions. Americans want to wash their hands off it because what, it happened 50 years ago, when it was proven in 2020 by dna of a US green beret the US had special forces try the same in Venezuela ?

    Look at Afghanistan right now, it would have been leagues better if the US hadn’t been there for 20 years. Now it’s under the US (previously, when known as Mujahideen) funded taliban. If you know your history, none of this should come as a surprise. But yeah, it was the headscarf and profit and America bad for sure. Everything but taking responsibility for what the US is still doing right now. I’m not anti American culture and people or even economic doctrine, I’m anti policy. Creating an implication between capitalism and instigating officially unsanctioned political destabilization of foreign governments is an intellectually lazy and dishonest argument.

    What the CIA has done and is doing is wrong and brought us here, and it’s acting vastly with impunity and being excused by people like you. I’m not against you. I’m against people giving the place you live in a bad name with your taxes. Acting all defensive and petulant like I’m attacking your culture personally is just silly, when you know many patriotic Americans would agree with my criticism of the actions of the CIA and military interventions overseas.

  • Just to remind ourselves that this woman is paraplegic because the US had to send in the CIA to orchestrate a coup in order to remove its democratically elected president and put a fundamentalist religious nutcase Shah in power that was more friendly to the US, which like all CIA ventures, failed miserably and he ended up being overthrown by worse religious nutcases shortly after, which is regarded as a direct consequence of US involvement.

    Thank you US, for our daily misery all across the world, but especially for turning the middle east into the misery it is today. We will remember it all throughout the likely war between Iran and Israel that the democratically elected governments of the US purposefully worked towards for the last 50 years, by both directly destabilizing Iran and by arming and funding Israel and the Palestinian apartheid and genocide.

    I just wonder how much worse the world has to become until the US just stops “helping”.

  • Speed. High speed trains clock in at 300 km/h, whereas maglev takes you to 600 km/h.

    I agree with the above commenter, the EU needs to streamline passenger rights and international connections first, like they did for airtravel, but once that is taken care of, the next step is connecting European capitals on high speed maglev with very few stops.

    To give you a sense of what such a transportation system could achieve, you could go from Lisbon to Kiev in 6 hours and a half at 600 km/h. If capitals served as country maglev hubs, we could do away with intra European flights altogether and cut a significant amount of flights to outside of Europe by concentrating the departures.

    You could then have a hierarchy of sorts where maglev serves traveling between capitals, high speed between major cities within countries, regional between regions of smaller sparsely populated towns and local trains within cities or between close cities. Ideally if a passenger wanted to travel from a small town into another small town 3000 km away, the service should book all the appropriate hierarchy changes in one ticket.

    The issue is that the line would have to be pretty much straight or have very shallow curves, due to the speed, so it would take a TON of land buying. That’s complicated enough as it is without even considering the NIMBYs.