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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2024


  • Thanks, I was rather agreeing with you. And the whole thing is murky with lots of disinformation and feints on both sides. You kinda have to thread a thin line between US empire, liberal, socialist and Russian propaganda to find anything. My main gripe is that the narrative on the lib side is so obviously false and constructed in a way that makes demanding diplomatic solutions impossible. It’s maddening!

    Here is an interview with an Pascal Lottaz an “Ukrainian Associate Professor for Neutrality Studies” who was arrested and Amnesty International helped to get asylum in Finnland. His youtube channel features discussions with academics about current topics.

  • Basically most of it ends in the hands of the military industrial complex.

    It’s sad to see that the libs are just as post-truth as the magats are. The doublethink is honestly astounding. Not only is the US and NATO good (except for gaza) but it’s also evil to invade other countries that pose a threat to national security (unless the US does it). Everything Putin says is a lie and he’s Hitler and will always attack if we let him. Nato is completely harmless and a NATO armed Ukraine never was a danger to Russia except now when they managed to hold their own for so long and now shoot back into Russia after being so well armed by NATO. Why would the Russians not like NATO? Russians are Orcs because they are Nazis, except Nazis aren’t Nazi’s if they are Ukrainians. There was never any interference with e.g. the Euromaidan coup except we welcomed Ukraine into NATO and the EU with open arms and the CIA works excellent together with Ukraine intelligence services. Oppression is bad but Slava Ukraina and banning Russian is fine. Anyone who wants piece is a warmonger and Putin apologist. We are finally the good guys again! Stop the whataboutism of the entire history of US meddling and coups and illegal wars!

    The historical facts are pretty clear how this conflict came about and why. It was a miscalculation - They didn’t think Russias economy could support so much arms manufacturing. They also thought China wouldn’t back Russia. But of course they did because they know they are next lol. There have been like 40 meetings between Putin and Xi Jinping and this war has brought them together. They are expanding BRICS and making new connection with the global south.

    Of course this is still a win-win for the US empire and the oligarchs however this ends. They won’t let it escalate to nuclear war and the wealth transfers are massive. The only losers are the taxpayers and the Ukrainians and Russians.

    Lets not talk about the insane level of greenhouse gases emitted because of this war.

  • The term liberalism has a wide history, associating it as a whole to fascism sounds a stretch.

    Socialists seem rather illiberal about the definition and allowed use of the word and concept of liberal. They hear “a liberal?” and think “a fascist!”. I suspect that this greatly plays into the polarization between tankies and limbrols here on lemmy.

    For example a newer definition of fascism is 1. belief in inequality based on 2. a mythological identity (e.g. race which isn’t real). That is useful to talk about trumpism vs the neoliberal democrats. But socialists completely refute that and insist it’s both the same fascism because capitalism. And that is where any discussion ends in my experience. It’s like we’re dividing and conquering ourselves for the benefit of the fascists…

    Of course they are right in terms of foreign policy, which is absolutely fascist towards “shithole countries” no matter who rules in the white house. Neoliberalism is: 1. belief in inequality based on 2. economic or class status 3. personal freedom to die in whatever way seems best to you.

    And once the prosperity is distributed away with rising wealth inequality that does lead to plutocracy and then fascism. And I suspect the socialists are right that without an explicit socialist component in your ideology this outcome is inevitable.

    But unfortunately their definitions are stuck based on outdated theories written before 1950.

  • I don’t see any propaganda here, which part do you mean?

    Ok I’ll try to answer that seriously.

    I mean building villages in areas claimed by other countries is kind of a dick move huh.

    The existence of the article itself and the framing makes it clear that the spotlight is on what China is doing. Not on India or US. And no, it’s not just me, you yourself interpreted the article as intended: China is being aggressive by invading areas claimed by other countries.

    The framing makes it clear that claims by China are not even to be considered as legitimate - obviously they have no claim and obviously they are sneaky. This is a clear western bias.

    What I see here is a dispute between China and India (and nepal etc). I am NOT in favor of China or their policies. But why is this world news? Do those countries need our help in sorting out their problems? What are we supposed to do?

    And THAT is the push towards “war” or “encircling” China. And this isn’t the only article I’ve seen in this vein. For example China’s reactions to joint maneuvers between US and Taiwan are framed as threats and aggression from China. This isn’t a question of right or wrong or good vs evil for me, it’s simply a question of who’s home turf you are on and how to reduce tensions. The US does not have the moral standing see e.g. Iraq invasion and WMDs. But it seems we have learned nothing.

    So why care? Lefties complain about too high defense spending, but articles like this provide the fertile ground for a general feeling of fear about enemies that could sneak up and attack us if we’re not vigilant and spend. And this fuels the arms race of the other side.

  • force Europe to stop being hypocrites

    Not sure what you mean? This is a proxy war. The objective is to bleed Russia and end up owning a big chunk of Ukrainian assets (or our banks will). But mess with the gas supply of the EU and support is going to turn hard on Ukraine.

    It’s possibly this is going to turn into a long turn problem between the EU and the Ukraine left bitter by the war. Of course, every crisis is a great opportunity to make money! Even a hypocrisis