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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Hmm… Is that true? It’s not like smoking bans are actually all encompassing its still mostly local precident and business decisions.
    I am not sure I have seen someone smoke weed where they couldn’t smoke a cigarette, or where banned a cigarette smoker might illegally light up anyways, other than vapes which are still also in high contention and not exactly banned.

    I think you just have a stigma and an axe to grind that specifically singles them out because of a internal problem you have.

    Anyways, good luck with that.

  • Maybe excitement I get when I speak Japanese even just OK is a beautiful thing compared to France and Quebec trying to speak French.

    But I will say South Korea is racist as fuck and being white and talking to a girl will get you and the girl attacked but worse of all mostly the girl.

    And yeah clubs, dating, and housing in Japan are not great but it’s definitely as with always a nuanced gray that is hard to explain to people who like a simple answer.

  • You seem hung up on electricity being a literal function of this here. Expecting them to be a literal battery.

    They said they knew how. The nodules have a potential charge, when touching it increases the charge which means it can separate the oxygen. There is already companies that are performing hydrogen separation without electricity on water.

    The voltage potential is grabbing at the polar ends with likely a light chemical interaction with the zinc and other volatile metals present.

    An exact process might not be here but the function here makes sense as long as you stop looking for direct current.

    Edit: also this is not some rapid process this is a slow trickle. Nothing fancy just the physics of the world inspiring entropy.

  • What are you taking a test on this?

    They are lumps of conductive metals that when touching create a small charge that is able to respond to the charge that is held by water to be able to strip the oxygen atoms off.

    It’s just a bunch of them in series together finally surpasses the threshold, they just all hold a very weak charge potential individually my comparison to magnets was meant to just imply that they naturally hold a very weak charge that isn’t a strong force like a more direct applied method would.

  • I mean the article is being hyperbolic I think to try and sway opinion away from thinking it’s a good idea to mine these nodules.

    We have a bunch of billionaires who are suddenly excited to go full Dune on the ocean floor for scraps of metal that aren’t currently on owned land and will fuck up the ecology just because it will finally make them more wealthy.

    If it seems like there is grand mysteries and a impact on us instead of just all the low lying marine life it might get people to say it’s a bad idea and public opinion will get them to stop.

    It’s just a shame that Shame doesn’t work as well as it used to to control people.