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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 13th, 2024


  • I am tired of explaining why communism is a wishful thinking pipe dream that turns into authoritarianism every time.

    Someone sold you magic solution horseshit and you swallowed it and asked for more. There are no magic solutions. Democracy and freedom is the only way. Collective slavery of communism must die.

    I won’t waste my time any further. It’s a free country (yet). You are free to believe in communism even though you couldn’t have free beliefs under communism.

    Any westoids that never knew communism and think it is amazing can go and remove themselves from the gene pool in my book.

  • No the good reason is that communism and socialism cannot exist as realistic economic principles. Now I remember what was it all about.

    Communism is a system that lacks any motivation to do the work. There is no award. No gratification of ownership, getting higher on the ladder.

    Thus it never works and countries starve.

    What’s funny is that there are no examples of successful communism and thus all the attempts are proclaimed as ‘no true communism’.

    The reason capitalism works is because it utilizes human greed. It needs boundaries and restraints of course because greed is infinite. We get the cream top achievers make and redistribute it to incentivise bottom ladder to climb.

    State protects the vulnerable and minorities and sets boundaries. Upper boundary is the climate one. Lower one is essential necessities one.

    And this is the ideal that some countries actually achieved. Unlike ideal of communism that never got even close. So instead of thinking about some utopias let’s just adopt everywhere the tried and true system.

  • Let me tell you what happened here some time ago.
    After the government seized the means of production to people they gave each worker a share in the company.
    On that same day the workers sold it or lost it, bought vodka or cigarettes for the few pennies they made. Not much was left in the original hands. Someone bought the majority.

    The ideal economic system works perfect under perfect conditions. Capitalism works ok under most of conditions.

    Evolution of economic systems is not a history of choosing the perfect one but elimination of these that failed.

  • That’s doomer speak from too much scrolling. I once too believed these things for a time but the world hasn’t ended, improved even. I am no longer as depressed and regained clarity of mind.
    I hope you too can find peace and see the reason before all the time dwindles out like a sand from between your fingers.

    I am typing it lying on my huge bed, with cat at my side, full fridge, iPhone, iPad, car with full tank in the garage, 100 sqm apartment I own in the comfy part of the city. Steady, mostly passive income. Free healthcare working ok, education.

    Why would I want communism? I would have to be not okay in the head