They were smart and accounted for 6 months or so of Russian inflation as their currency collapses.
They were smart and accounted for 6 months or so of Russian inflation as their currency collapses.
Russia, the second most powerful military force within Russian territory, is prepared to take on NATO, the largest military force in the history of the world, in a war in the arctic.
If you regret your abortion, nbd, just get pregnant again. What difference does a 9 month delay make in a lifetime commitment?
Lol wtf is Boeing thinking? They’re in the middle of the biggest PR nightmare in the history of the company, and then they let negotiations fail with the union. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO PAUSE ANY PRODUCTION RIGHT NOW!
There was only one logical option; give the union whatever they asked for, stay out of the news, and keep the whole thing quiet, which would have probably turned into a big PR win too. Completely idiotic corporate policy on every level.
Limited term appointments is the best tool you can have to get rid of cartel-friendly judges.
Of course the police would deny it. They can’t readily admit to browsing the social media of people they want to arrest for info, it would make the technique less effective. The whole story makes sense though, Tate would have been traveling a lot and it would be difficult to guarantee an arrest.
3 day operation, max
Ah, you mean Russia’s perpetual solution until Ukraine won their independence.
Capitalization? 3 words? Punctuation?!? That’s not like any 80 year old’s password I’ve seen. My money’s on donaldtrump
I for one embrace the use of fuck in french as new word.
Je fucke
Tu fuckes
Il/Elle fucke
Nous fuckons
Vous fuckez
Ils/Elles fuckont
Or you can optionally drop the standard conjugation and just say fuck, idk. Also, “je the vais fucker” for “imma fuck you up”
If your neighbor is under investigation for murdering their spouse and children, do you invite them to the pub on Fridays in the name of improving non-hostile neighborly relations?
So they’re admitting that without this nullification, Chrimea is part of Ukraine and Russia has no claim to it?
I give it 50/50 odds of happening in this timeline. It either happens or it doesn’t.