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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • I know this labels me as a bad person, but I can’t really root for us anymore. We were handed dominion over paradise, but it was never enough, and even now, as the writing is on the wall, most of us lament our plight rather than the innumerable species, different but not inferior to homosapien, living in generational homeostasis that we’re going to take down with us while singing woe is us.

    I reject rooting for such a vile home team, merely because it is the home team.

    I take infinite solace knowing that while we will decimate surface and shallow water life, even our toolbox of horrors can’t sterilize our mother, and after she’s dealt with us, she will heal in just a couple million years, nothing to her 3.8 billion year old story of life, and paradise will be restored, until the next macro-cancer evolves at least. We weren’t even the first, though we were the first that we know of with a choice. The Carboniferous period gave way to an ice age mass extinction due to trees doing the opposite of what we’re doing, capturing too much carbon before the life that could decompose them efficiently had evolved. This is where much of our lovely coal comes from.

    Wasn’t their fault. They were trees. We can do better, we know better, our brightest have been begging us for a century to heed the data, we just won’t stop.

  • She was shot 19 times.

    I don’t consider it conspiratorial to say, given that it happened within hours the first woman was elected President, that it was more likely than not sending a message of ignorance bucking the idea of women leading, or considering it was cited as likely being a cartel, a message of “don’t think we won’t kill you if you act against our business interests just because you’re a woman.” which considering gender roles and mores are still much more traditional than in the US, might have been a message they felt was needed.

    It may not be connected , but if it isn’t, it’s a pretty big coincidence.