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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2024


  • Yeah, in the recent Far Right meeting in Spain they were all back to the whole anti-EU talk, which by their own criteria makes them Traitors To The Fatherland, since none of the EU nations (even Germany or France) is big enough to be able to be able to face the likes of the US or China on their own rather than as part of a united EU front: they literally want to make their nations weaker.

    Personally I think that’s because pretty much all of the European Far-Right parties are being paid by foreign interests.

  • I think Brexit disproves all that.

    I’ve lived in Portugal, The Netherlands, Britain and Germany and the most unhinged ideas of populism I ever saw upclose which were the most widespread amongst the population, were in Britain during the Leave Referendum and afterwards - the same unhinged Racism of the Far Right all over Continental Europe which at the time had less than 20% overall support, in Britain yielded to the Leave faction of the Tory Party one referendum and two Parliamentary Elections and would’ve won them a 3rd one if the Populist Rightwing vote hadn’t been split due to the rise of the (even more unhinged) Reform UK party and a First Past The Post system that turned that split vote into lots of constituency losses (to the point that Labour got 64% of MPs on only 34% of votes cast).

    Don’t confuse the quality of image management that results from the training most British Politicians got as children in very expensive and very posh private schools, with them not being populist - somebody like Boris Johnson was spreading the same kind of ideas as Trump, Orban or the Far-Right in the rest or Europe, he was just much smoother at it, mostly because whilst for example in the US the idea of “important person” is somebody who is loud, cares not about manners and sounds confident, in Britain it’s somebody who is posh, has soft upper class accent and sounds confident, so populist leaders in Britain, being well adapted to local prejudices, project a different image than the loud and brutish common abroad, whilst defending the very same ideas.

  • Nationalistic Exceptionalism is a tool of the elites to manipulate the rest.

    I’m from a country in Europe - Portugal - which had “colonies” in Africa and forced work camps for the locals there as little ago as the 60s - a form of Slavery - whilst the country was under a Fascist Dictatorship and most people in the “Fatherland” were themselves dirt poor to the point that the country actually got food help from other countries in Europe.

    Most of the wealth from exploiting those other countries went to a handful of rich families (the so called “7 families”) tightly tied to the regime and their wilful minions, not the majority of the people in a country whose “way of life” was supposedly “propped on colonization”.

    (I can’t quite see which part of the miserable life of my grandparents, on both sides poor countryside farmers with many often undernourish children who didn’t have shoes to walk to school even during Winter, was “propped on colonization”)

    But, damn, the Fascist Dictator was really big on propaganda about the “Glory of Portugal” and the “Superiority of the Portuguese”.

    Absolutelly, all this shit was whitewashed after the Revolution that overthrew the dictator, a few years after the revolutionaries confiscated, the wealth of those 7 Fascist families - which was indeed their loot from pillaging both the “colonies” and the “mainland” itself - was soon returned to them by the mainstream parties and a propagandistic slant on all that kept going on since (even more recently, when past pillaging is recognized, the claims from politicians of “national shame” are really all about difusing the blame of the choices of the elites onto the entire population of the nation and at times just meant to indirectly get money in the wallets of those very same politicians and their friends).

    “Europe” (as in, its elites) did pillage all over the World the riches of others and still does if less so (nowadays mainly by helping foreign dictators stay in power, pillage the wealth of their countrymen and then share some of the loot with wealthy European interests) and all that shit has been whitewashed for the masses in various ways, but now just like in that shameful past there was and there is no meaningful trickle-down of the wealth the elites pillage.

  • My impression from living there is that the UK never ditched the mindset that some people are born inherently superior to others, and that’s both for different parts of British society along the axis of class (and in many cases also the different nations of the UK, with the English often seeing themselves as superior) and towards foreigners (Brexit did not happen in a vacuum).

    I have the theory that is because the UK never really had a Revolution started from below (the closest they had were the Barons rebeling against the King leading to the Magna Carta or the Catholic-vs-Protestant fighting which was mainly different factions of the elites re-approportioning power) or Occupation by a foreign power that crushed the existing elites and loosened their power over the entire system, hence the established elites never really changed and thus the power structures in Britain, who those structures serve and who controls them, has changed a lot less over the last couple of centuries than elsewhere in Europe.

    They’re not as much Fascists in a traditional sense but more a continuation of a Monarchic semi-Autocratic system were the power of the King was weakenned centuries ago and divided amongst the rest of the Landowner Class and later the Trading Burgeoisie without really reaching the lower classes in full (the closest to it ever happenning was post-War Britain and that has been reverted in the last 4 decades).

    Fascism in Europe one of the reactions to Republicanism, but the UK never had a Republican phase and so a lot of the ideas on power and the worth of people in Fascism which are really just re-hashed monarchic thinking on who are the proper rulers and justifying it are still present in the British system in their natural (though more sophisticated in means and appearence) form.

    All this to say that, yeah, I agree with you, it’s just that I don’t think their love for the Nazi ideology back then was quite driven by the same reasons as many other countries in Europe (though remember how even in Germany the Nazis had some support from the Monarchics) and that whilst elsewhere in Europe the elites that held such thinking were dethroned, in Britain they held on to power to the present day.

  • Well, this being the BBC their take is NEVER (ever, ever) going to be that the empoverishment due to a social, political and economic structure than massively benefits the Owner class whilst empoverishing the rest and uses propaganda to distract the masses and to make sure any redistributive ideologies are un- or at least under-reported, is the one to blame for those most hit amongst the “plebes” are going to rebel and latch one to the only “non”-mainstream ideologies that do get reported about - the Far Right.

    This is because in their own country and, to some level internationally, the BBC’s function is to be a cog in exactly that propaganda machine.

    The last thing you’ll ever going to see is the news media who portrays “two sides coverage” (I.e. all subjects getting reduced to a dispute between the two main parties) as “fair” “journalism” covering any subject as a problem of how mainstream politics benefits the well-entrenced Owner class, especially the news media from a country were the Owner class is mainly made up of the same families as a century ago. At best, they’ll cover the near-mainstream “blame outsiders” movements (such as the Far Right), never those pointing out how much of the blame rest on well off local elites

  • Having lived in a couple of countries in Europe, including a decade in Britain, I would say the UK is one of the most Fascist countries in Europe (for example having a citizen surveillance system even more extreme than the US and Press censorship in the form of D-Noticies), though elites there are extremelly good at being subtle and posh about it so the will keep up appearences: you won’t see goose stepping on the streets but for example in peaceful demonstrations the police will charge the crowd and News will report that - by showing the footage in the inverse order - as people first charging the police who then responded to it and you won’t see an overt Secret Police but once in a while out pops a leak of a special group within the normal police infiltrated Ecologist groups with undercover police officers (which came out because some female Ecologists ended up pregnant) or how their surveillance organisation kept Greenparty leaders under surveillance.

    Back during the Nazi times the British elites were even pro-Nazi (there’s a picture of Queen Elizabeth as a child being taught by her uncle - then King - to do a Nazi salute) and it was only the Nazi invasion of Belgium that changed their minds, so geopolitics rather than a dislike of the Nazi ideology of ethnic superiority (notice how over the years British elites kept supporting white colonialism and their violence, from Appartheid South Africa to Genocide Israel). More in general, the elites over there (which are overwhelmingly dynastic in nature, and I don’t mean just the Royal Family) are strong believers in their own inherent superiority over others as justification for their wealth, so the whole ubermenschen and untermenschen thinking applied along class lines rather than just races (but races too: Brits tend to believe themselves superior to just about all foreigners but Americans and for example some of the most celebrated heroes of Britain - such as Churchill - actually ordered the execution of Genocides in the British Empire possessions).

    All this to say that to me, having lived over there for a decade, the British’s minimal response to Fascism compared to the rest of Europe isn’t surprising - they live in a Society than in many ways runs along similar molds, harbours similar ideations about the inherent worth of people and is (including the Press) controled by elites who mostly are the same families that supported Nazism before Hitler invaded Belgium.

  • I’m surprised the DNC boot-lickers haven’t yet rushed this tread parroting the propaganda that it’s all the fault of the non-voters that it’s the horrible Fascist-lover Genocide-supporter Trump doing bad things to Palestinians whilst conveniently ignoring that their very own Fascist-lover Genocide-supporting Biden was the one “unwaveringly” supporting Israel in things like this (even gleefully spreading the Israeli lies on this, a man who as POTUS definitely had access to intel to know that Israel had activated the Hannibal Protocol) and even worse, supporting the year-long Genocide the Zionists were doing in Gaza complete with tens of thousands of murdered children, all of which the other of the DNC’s chosen candidates, Kamala Harris also supported.

    One of the most disgusting things in all this is the extreme hypocrisy of one bunch of supporters of child mass-murder blaming those who wouldn’t vote for supporters of child mass-murder, for the result of an election were a different bunch of child mass-murder supporters won, as if supporting child mass-murder was anything else than their choice a choice which they could’ve changed at any time and yet, repeatedly, chose to double down on.

    It makes me sick that people who actively SUPPORT the enablers of child mass-murder portray themselves as having the moral high ground versus people whose Morals and Ethics stopped them from supporting any enablers of child mass-murder. You do not have and will never have the moral high-ground for the rest of your life when you supported the people who were behind 17 pages worth of murdered babies: blood of those babies is forever in your hands.

  • Zionists are even more Fascist than the present day Russian regime: the Russians are traditional Fascists, all “love of the Nation” and shit like that plus oppressing and invading neighboring nations to take their stuff rather than to annihilate them, whilst Zionists are ethno-Fascists, like the Nazis, all about being a superior people (“the chosen people”) who have to annihilate a sub-human people (“human animals”), their discourse (even just normal newspapers in Israel) rife with Racism whilst Russian discourse is rife with nationalism.

    You will notice that the Russians actually want to turn Ukrainians into Russians (which is what they tried really hard to do in the occupied areas) whilst the Zionists are exactly the opposite towards Palestinians or in fact, anybody not of their “chosen people” with the actual Constitution of Israel stating that all Jews and only Jews are Israeli Nationals (which is why, uniquely, Israel separates Citizenship from Nationality, so one can be a Christian Israeli Citizen or an Arab Israeli Citizen but only a Jew can be an Israeli National).

    Russia is bad, really bad, and yet Zionist Israel is next level in the Fascist scales compared to Russia.

  • Fair enough: from Trump’s viewpoint even the gall in Italy would look like a Leftie.

    In fact from what I’ve read about it (living in Europe and speaking a few European languages), the Far-Right around these parts is generally to the left of the Republicans in the US, with maybe the exception of Reform UK.

    (To give you a funny example of how different things can get in Europe, the Far Right in The Netherlands when they really took of a decade or so ago were led by a guy who was very openly homosexual. Also notice how women lead the Far Right in both Italy and France and if you remember it, traditionaly the Far Right in Italy - i.e. Fascism - was all about strong men)

  • New Labour is Rightwing, specifically it is Neoliberal with some touches of Conservative as their policies are basically Thatcherism with an extra hard-on for the US.

    Macron in France is Rightwing, so much so that his Government only exists with the support of the Front Nationale (i.e. the Far Right).

    The SPD in Germany “unwaveringly supported” the Far-Right regime in the extreme Apparheid state of Israel all throughout them committing a Genocide - kinda hard to be more Rightwing than supporting the regime behaving the closests to the Nazis since the actual Nazis whilst justifying that support with the race that regime claims to represent.

    Out of all of Europe, the countries you claim have no Rightwing in Government have some of the most Rightwing governments around (out of the top of my head, beaten only by Italy and Hungary).

    I bet you’re American and hence are used to an Overtoon Window so far to the Right that all of Scandinavia look like a bunch of Communists.

  • These useful idiots are working very hard in making sure that no political lessons will be learned and that next time the DNC will present the American people with yet another ever-so-slightly-less-Fascism-loving candidate than the Republicans.

    Just like Trump and the Republican Party leadership has muppets dangling from their strings who will gleefully wallow on the pain and misery of others to defend their leaders, so does the Democrat Party leadership have their own muppets dangling from their strings who with just as much glee wallow in the pain and misery of other to defend their leaders.

    People whose response to the actions of one killer is to say “should’ve voted for our killer instead” have literally no sense of proportion or empathy.

  • In the Racist mind the criticism of how their judgement standards and choices of supporting or not a person or State are different depending on the target person’s race, always ends up interpreted as “an attack on a Race” because Racists cannot even begin to conceive the idea that “All humans and their actions should be judged independently of their Race”.

    When a Racist voices criticism of an instance of double-standards depending on Race being used, they are motivated by a desire to attack the Race which benefits from such double standards, so in their minds that must be the reason why other would attack such Race-related double standards and in their Racist minds it’s inconceivable that the criticism could be against any such double standards no matter who benefits and against the entire mental architecture of seeing and judging people as Race-members rather than as human beings,

    In the minds of Racists everything everybody says or does about other people is determined by Race, so criticism of Racism itself is invariably seen as an “attack on a Race” in the mind of the Racist.

    (Aside from this poster’s response to my post, other examples of what I mean can easily be found in how Trump supporters respond to criticism of their Racist actions - their responses often follow exactly the same pattern as the poster above)

    Obviously thanks to their circular logic that “any criticism of Race-based double standards can only be explained as Racism against the Race which benefits from it”, Racists feel no shame about their own Racism, since it justifies itself as a reaction to what they interpret (following said circular logic) as the Racism of critics.

    I weep for Germany and all the Germans who are Humanists rather than Racists: it must be hard living surrounded by so many people whose views on their fellow human beings fit the very same architecture of thinking of people as “first and foremost members of Races”, as the Nazi ideology.

  • Kinda makes me think when I, as an immigrant over there, was a member of the Green Party in Britain before the Leave Referendum: great forward thinking people who were genuinelly good persons who wanted a better world for everybody, all the while the rest of British Society turned out to be mainly composed of dumb racists.

    Still today I use the lessons I learned in British politics, since IMHO they were maybe a decade ahead of the rest of Europe in the shift to the Far Right (their version is just posher).