In recent months, Iran, along with Hezbollah, has imposed a military siege on the province of as-Suwayda, taking control of all airports and military units surrounding the province. They have begun to exert pressure in various ways and directions on the people of the province, who oppose the Iranian presence in southern Syria.

Previously, Iran and Hezbollah played a major role in spreading drugs and supporting ISIS in the as-Suwayda desert to threaten the province.

“We consider what happened today a clear and public declaration of war by the terrorist Hezbollah and Iran against the Druze community, an act of criminal pressure aimed at dragging them into the ongoing war in the Middle East.”

    2 months ago

    This make absolutely 0 sense. US and Israel have long history of manufacturing terror to justify war campaigns. Hezbollah have no reason to attack “play ground” of people who “do not recognize israel”.

    This article reads more or like a piece of propaganda.