President Joe Biden ordered the construction of a temporary pier to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza earlier this year even as some staffers for the US Agency for International Development (USAid) expressed concerns that the effort would be difficult to pull off and undercut the effort to persuade Israel to open “more efficient” land crossings, according to a USAid inspector general report.

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But the $230m military-run project known as the Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore system, or JLOTS, would operate for only about 20 days. Aid groups pulled out of the project by July, ending a mission plagued by repeated weather and security problems that limited how much food and other emergency supplies could get to starving Palestinians.


    21 days ago

    Can we please stop with the gaslighting saying it was “to deliver humanitarian aid” when we all saw that that was just the cover story for its real purpose of carrying out a massacre on a refugee camp.