Disinformation similar to the pro-Russian “Matryoshka” campaign is emerging on Bluesky, using deepfakes and fake profiles to spread pro-Russian messages, prompting calls for more proactive action from the platform.
Disinformation similar to the pro-Russian “Matryoshka” campaign is emerging on Bluesky, using deepfakes and fake profiles to spread pro-Russian messages, prompting calls for more proactive action from the platform.
Yet our biggest threat for misinformation has been and always will be the US.
The US certainly isn’t good on that front. But they’re nowhere near the mastery of it as Russia, Mainland Taiwan, or other Korea.
People still think China isn’t a democracy or Cuba is under a military dictatorship… The US is the undisputed master of disinformation and propaganda.
No state under a vanguard party is Democratic. No state is communist either. When is emperor Xi’s next election? Is he enjoying the royal palace? Democratic my ass. Cuba factually has been under a military dictatorship for the last many decades. I think it’s better than many of the others would have been. If it only because Castro somehow managed to be less corrupted than most leninist dictators/vanguards. Which is why we should have no vanguards or oligarchs.
Believe me I have no love for the US government. They stole my ancestors land. Marched them to death. Sent my grandmother to those quaint little Indian schools that practiced cultural genocide. And often actual genocide with mass graves out back. But that you think Lenin’s shit smells good. Lenin/Stalin actively helped Hitler invade my other ancestors home. Slaughtering family and neighbors. Then returning to Russia to slaughter more that lived there. Because the fucking vanguard perceived them as a threat. Passive genocide, active genocide, passive genocide, active genocide. They both suck. But somehow leninist apologia manages to always be more hypocritical and out of touch.
Yeah, I’m sure that someone who lives in China will point that out in this thread once it gets more attention. Oh wait…
You know most people in China have unrestricted internet access, right? It’s the equivalent of a couple bucks USD a year for a cheap VPN, and it’s not a criminal infraction to bypass the country’s default restrictions.
Based on what?
Did the US propaganda machine tell you that?
Case in fucking point
*Americans rushing in to tell you how not brainwashed they are*