Since then, Yvette’s pulled the same “trick” four times, although she insists she doesn’t see herself as a shoplifter and is “a goody goody” by nature: “I earn a reasonable amount in my senior position, drive an SUV, and live in a desirable postcode. Before my divorce, our girls attended private school.”
This kind of ÜberKarens are the reason we can’t get nice stuff. Actions of people like her will be used to crack down on people that literally can’t afford basic needs and to reduce the privacy of everyone else, while making the service shittier at the same time.
And she has the gall of calling her self a “goody goody”. Bullshit, no one so self entitled is a nice person.
Honestly I don’t even really care that much that she’s shoplifting, I find it hard to sympathize with a multi-billion-dollar company losing a small fraction of their profits.
But then she insists that she’s not actually a shoplifter, and brags about her income and how she’s a great person as if she’s trying to separate herself from “the bad shoplifters”, which gives me the same vibes as the article “The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”.
This kind of ÜberKarens are the reason we can’t get nice stuff. Actions of people like her will be used to crack down on people that literally can’t afford basic needs and to reduce the privacy of everyone else, while making the service shittier at the same time.
And she has the gall of calling her self a “goody goody”. Bullshit, no one so self entitled is a nice person.
Honestly I don’t even really care that much that she’s shoplifting, I find it hard to sympathize with a multi-billion-dollar company losing a small fraction of their profits.
But then she insists that she’s not actually a shoplifter, and brags about her income and how she’s a great person as if she’s trying to separate herself from “the bad shoplifters”, which gives me the same vibes as the article “The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”.