• Kamala and the party holding him accountable for this shit and pushing for him to get out now if he’s really demented enough to still believe Israel, would really help nonvoters see the difference.

    It’s a tough balancing act since being too hard on Israel could lose an otherwise reliable voting block (American Jews). On the flip side, Palestine origin US citizens, Turkish origin US citizens, and others are likely to be lost if this issue isn’t pressed hard enough

    Show people who aren’t planning on voting that at least one option holds themselves accountable.

    From the WP article itself, a small beacon …

    “The U.S. government has had full access to Israel’s preliminary investigation, and expects continued access as the investigation continues, so that we can have confidence in the result,” Biden said Wednesday.

    The most optimistic interpretation is that, behind the scenes they’re pushing Israel hard about this, even if they’re trying to play it cool in public.